Uploading Stories
The following steps outline the procedure for uploading a story to SoFurry.
- Log in to SoFurry and select the Upload button at the top under your user-name.
- Select Story from the options.
- Title the story in the top box and enter in the story in the on-line editor below. (Note: You may have trouble with using the mouse menu to paste in Firefox. Use the Ctrl+V instead.)
- Select the audience by clicking the radio button or clicking the text next to the rating. (All ages (clean), Adult or Extreme)
- Select what viewers can view it. (public, group-only or friends-only)
- If you would like to work on your story as a collaboration, choose who can modify it. (Disable, Allow friends only or Allow everyone)
- Describe your story in the box provided. (This field is intended as a synopsis or some general info about this submission.)
- Add some tags separated by commas. If you would like more help on tags please visit this article.
- Select Publish to post as a regular story or Save as Draft to mark the story as a draft.
- Their may be a problem using older versions of Internet Explorer on the story submission form. The selection for a story's rating (clean, adult or extreme) may not allow you to select anything. IE9 should work. (Firefox works fine.)
- Their are some issues with copying and pasting stories into the WYSIWYG editor. The coding team is working on this issue.