SoFurry 2.0 API
Getting User Profiles
Request URL
* id = numerical ID of the user whose profile you want. Optional. If omitted, the system will send your own profile data.
Returned data
For anyone but yourself, you get the following data:
{ "username":"Toumal", "useralias":"toumal", (This is the url-friendly username for profile addresses) "userID":"13", "profileViewCount":"1234", "submissionCount":"1234", "submissionViewCount":"1234", "commentCount":"1234", "commentPostedCount":"1234", "species":"Orca", "gender":"1", (0=N/A, 1=Male, 2=Female, 3=Herm) "orientation":"0", (0=N/A, 1=Hetero, 2=Homosexual, 3=Bisexual, 4=Omnisexual) "mateshipStatus":"2", (0=N/A, 1=Single uninterested, 2=Single casual, 3=Single permanent, 4=Mated open, 5=Mated closed) "country":"Austria", "city":"Vienna", "registrationDate":"long long ago", "description":"Bla" }
For your own user (only if you're OTP-authenticated correctly) you receive additional data about your unread PMs and notifications:
{ "username":"Toumal", "useralias":"toumal", (This is the url-friendly username for profile addresses) "userID":"13", "profileViewCount":"1234", "submissionCount":"1234", "submissionViewCount":"1234", "commentCount":"1234", "commentPostedCount":"1234", "species":"Orca", "gender":"1", (0=N/A, 1=Male, 2=Female, 3=Herm) "orientation":"0", (0=N/A, 1=Hetero, 2=Homosexual, 3=Bisexual, 4=Omnisexual) "mateshipStatus":"2", (0=N/A, 1=Single uninterested, 2=Single casual, 3=Single permanent, 4=Mated open, 5=Mated closed) "country":"Austria", "city":"Vienna", "registrationDate":"long long ago", "description":"Bla" "unreadPMCount":"12", "watchlistCount":"1234", "notification_voteCount":1, "notification_watchCount":1, "notification_favoriteCount":0, "notification_friendRequestCount":0, "notification_commentCount":4, "notification_adminCommentCount":0, "notification_shoutCount":0, "notification_forumPostCount":0, "notification_collaborationCount":0, "notification_subscribedFolderCount":0, "notificationTotalCount":6 }
Get Submission Details
Request URL
* id = numerical ID of the desired submission. Mandatory field.
Returned data
{ "contentType":"1", (0=story, 1=art, 2=music, 3=journal, 4=photo) "title":"Battle Sheep", "description":"This is a description Yay! \nTest test \nblablabla", "fileName":"Toumal - Battle Sheep.jpg", "fileExtension":"jpg", "width":"1024", "height":"685", "contentSourceUrl":"http://someurl", (URL of the full size image, if applicable) "previewSourceUrl":"http://someurl", (URL of the 800px preview) "thumbnailSourceUrl":"http://someurl" (URL of the thumbnail) }
Get Shouts
Request URL
* id = numerical ID of the desired user. Defaults to own user if omitted
Returned data
{ "entries":[ { "id":"280640", "parentID":"-1", "username":"JayriAvieock", "userID":"189019", "date":"1333734740", "message":"rawr? you called :3" }, { "id":"280628", "parentID":"280623", "username":"Toumal", "userID":"13", "date":"1333729895", "message":"Yes, I'd love that!" }, { "id":"280623", "parentID":"-1", "username":"markshark", "userID":"142337", "date":"1333729622", "message":"Thanks for the favorites, mr Toumal. I wonder if we could get a picture together at some point ;-)" }, { "id":"280542", "parentID":"-1", "username":"Rubberkitten", "userID":"32931", "date":"1333714929", "message":"hello :3." }, { "id":"280381", "parentID":"-1", "username":"Fenndragon", "userID":"209900", "date":"1333670188", "message":"thanks for the watch, and kind words!" } ] }
Get Comments
Request URL
* id = numerical ID of the page of which the comments should be fetched. Mandatory field.
Returned data
{ "entries":[ { "id":"249324", "parentID":"-1", "username":"Testuser11", "userID":"57129", "date":"1311249060", "message":"blablablablabla" }, { "id":"249325", "parentID":"249324", "username":"Testuser11", "userID":"57129", "date":"1311249060", "message":"A reply" } ] }